Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

brain and heart

have you ever feel lyk you wanna shout out loud and cry?! that's what i'm feeling now, and the reason is NOTHING! well, of course i mean lyk sth uncertain! i don't know the true story but hell my mind says to many bad things, well STUPID BRAIN! the fact is YOUR BRAIN HURTS YOUR HEART , see you'll hurt cause your brain always think negatively, but you don't even know whether it's true or not! and of course erasing those stupid thoughts will be hard cause you can't control your brain and especially your heart! your heart chooses itself what to feel for someone or for any situation, and I HATE IT! my brain and my heart doesn't get well each other they seemed to be lyk enemies! huuuuhhhh. ex : brain said things that makes sense, but heart, it have a big faith in sth it believes will be true! you may use your brain but i think your heart is the one who'll be right ;) and i think you're smart enough to decide when to use your brain and when to use your heart :D

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