Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

why is it so hard to let go?
why is it so hard to forget?
you've hurted me, once, twice, even more.
but then always, there's something in my heart saying we're still for each other.
but that stupid feeling really hurts me.
cause it's all wrong! now i have to build my heart from the start,
and yeah am not going to give any chances for anyone to break it,
like i've let you to.
and now the time you've found your new one,
don't you know it really kills me?!
where's all the promises you've said?
is it that easy for you to break it?
yeah i should laugh as loud as i can.
all those things you've said about me, all those thoughts.
i've proven you're wrong.
see? in the end i'm the one who stand's still. and i'm the one who's going to love you,
i really hope not forever, but till the time i write this, im still deeply in love:")

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

cerita lain.......

ceyamat mayam cemuaaaaaaa<3 udah lama ya enggak nulis blog:( gue lagi pengen cerita aja nih terlalu banyak penat auch</3 ini udah hari minggu ajaya, tanggalnya bagus lagi 091011:-) dipastikan hari ini banyak yang jadian. selamat yaaaaa:-D aduh gatau harusn mulai cerita yang mana tapi semua cerita gue itu sedih:-( ya pertama sekolah gue hmm nilai sih ya bsa dibilang memuaskan, MEMUASKAN loh belom baik. kenapa dibilang memuaskan karena nilai gue gak cukup untuk mendapatkan setidaknya rangking 5 besar dikelas, kenapa? nihya seandainya lo udah dpet 90, yg notabene menurut semua orang nilai lo itu udah bagus, tapi anak kelas lo banyak banget yg dapet 100, yah 90 udah gak akan di anggep bagus lagi bukan?(jangan berpikiran sombong ya tapi angka tadi hanya contoh kokss;-)) hmm dan ya cita" gue sedari dulu adalah...........jadi dokter dan masuk FKUI, pake jaket kuning dan tiap hari nyetir lewatin tol panjang nyampe salemba semester pertama diujinyalinya di RSCM. huh mau bgt. tapi kalian tahu tidak quota bangu yg tersedia hanya 170 ya HANYA. sedangkan anak di kelas gue aja, cuman di kelas loh 7 orang yg mau masuk FKUI. gimana diluar sana, gue gaktau deh hhhh ya doakan ya supaya gue bisa:-) daaaaaan kalian tau apa 2 minggu yg lalu gue bru aja abis ujian awal semester. dan tadaaaaaa senin(besok) udah uts hahuhah apa"an ya sekolah</3 dan lebih gilanya lagi yayaya minggu depan ujian akhir semester. TUHAN YESUS BERKATILAH IVANNA. amen! ya apalagi ya gue mau cerita? hehehe gak ada kaliya, ohya cuman mau blg sesuatu buat seseorang diluar sana:

dear new girlfriend,
treat him well. he always act tough, even if he's not. 
don't let go of his kisses&hugs first, it puts a huge smile on his face. 
always hold his hand if he reaches for it, it will make him feel he owns you. 
And realize that you're having the greatest guy when you're dating him cause
he's one of the best thing, i've ever had. 
and please, dont ever hurt him cause he really dont deserve to be hurt.

his ex girlfriend</3