Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

hypocrites! haters!

I know, we're all living with masks on our face. Hypocrites. And haters. i admit that i'm that kind of person and well some of you doesn't need to refuse it too! see, we usually play w ppl we hate, we judge them, we talk about them, we disfigure them, but then in front of them we say 'hello' and give them our best smile! HAHA what-a-life! but then i got a few friends that hearts like an angel, they can't hate ppl, but like life has taught me that there's nobody perfect, they may judge ppl and talk about their*the bad ppl's* badness too!the difference between an evil person and those angel hearted person is the evil one will act lyk there's nothing wrong in front of them and play lyk they're best friend! but those angel hearted will come to them and explain 'why do much ppl dislike you'.

well, this happens to me all the day ;) i admit that i'll do those 2 things above, once again then i remember that no one's perfect in this entire whole world, even hero's have the right to bleed. to some ppl i'll choose wearing my mask and be hypocrite, why? cause when i try to tell them that i dislike them, i surely know that they'll say 'hey don't you have a mirror' and we'll end up being enemies, and i don't want to get more and more enemies. well actually those i can't tell, are those who surely hates me too, i know that out there, there are a bunch of people hating me, i'm sorry but it's better for you trying to tell me cause i'll appreciate every-little-thing someone tells me and i'll try to change, but again don't expect too much from me, cause i'm the type of person hardly change *too many facts*. but, out of it to those who hates me a little or a lot, and if you read this, it's better for you to say everything you hate in front of me or just act lyk you hate me or you don't know me cause when i know that you hate me and you still act lyk i'm your bestbestbest friend, i'll disrespect you, sorry but no offense! but to some ppl, lyk my closest friends, my classmates, i'll choose saying to them, we'll i've tried some of them listens but some of them ignore, but because of telling them i feel lyk everything's clear cause i won't expect much things from others that i think i can't do it too, the point is i've been honest! 

and for haters of mine, listen :

"I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today"
- Christina Aguilera

i aint gonna take shixz of you guys,
 cause i love me the way i am and for those justice you say about me... 

when a simple ' HELLO ' grows ......

everything begins with a simple ........

we say 'HELLO'

then we became .......
friends, talking about ourselves, our likes, dislikes, sharing stories ;) 
then we knew each other better.

suddenly, we feel lyk we suite each other and ........
we lay sth called LOVE on each other ;) 
the sweetest feeling ever :)

and LOVE grows with a simple........
we hug and kiss each other, to be together is our pleasure ;)

then we begin to......
promise each other to be together FOREVER :)

we hope we'll end lyk this :)

brain and heart

have you ever feel lyk you wanna shout out loud and cry?! that's what i'm feeling now, and the reason is NOTHING! well, of course i mean lyk sth uncertain! i don't know the true story but hell my mind says to many bad things, well STUPID BRAIN! the fact is YOUR BRAIN HURTS YOUR HEART , see you'll hurt cause your brain always think negatively, but you don't even know whether it's true or not! and of course erasing those stupid thoughts will be hard cause you can't control your brain and especially your heart! your heart chooses itself what to feel for someone or for any situation, and I HATE IT! my brain and my heart doesn't get well each other they seemed to be lyk enemies! huuuuhhhh. ex : brain said things that makes sense, but heart, it have a big faith in sth it believes will be true! you may use your brain but i think your heart is the one who'll be right ;) and i think you're smart enough to decide when to use your brain and when to use your heart :D

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011


okay well, i'm going to tell some things happened in my life! and what i've realized today, thanks for my friends *nadine,sharon,cindy,andrew,josua* for inspiring!

 i am an extrovert person, that's why i can't keep any problems by myself and i need to share those things to other for chilling me! and that's why i can't keep things lyk when i was fighting w my ex, hmm okay i know i'm wrong but, hell-yaa that's me! maybe you guys are the same lyk me,  some ppl thinks that it's wrong to tell too much privacy to others, but hey i know those i can share my stories w and those who can't! tho being extrovert have some negative affects, ex:

1.             feeling guilty, esp when that person doesn't support you or even cheer up, well, you mean to share for making you free but by telling that ppl you got more problems because you feel lyk they hurt you with your words, emm, in this case both of you are wrong. why? cause first that person never thinks how it is to be you, or that person's feeling is 180degrees different than you! well, lyk when you tell a story about your ex then you cry that person will ask you to move on and they'll directly say 'he's not worth fighting for' HECK-YAAAAA i hate it when some1 do this to me i really want to yel 'HEY YOU DON'T KNOW ME! AND HIM 'but remember you're also wrong, cause you weren't selective, if you're her/his friend you should know that he/she is that type of person.think twice!
2.             making more enemies, hmmm don't be hypocrite, even close-friend *re:not bestrfiends* may actually hate each other. and by making wrong lyk my story above can make you hate her/him even more! and boooom more enemies! in this case it's better for you to listen but then you may say ' okay thanks for the advise, i'll think about that' and then they'll just shut up, but if you say lyk 'no i don't want, i just want him' huuuuh they'll be actin rude! so it's better for us to yield rather than having more problems ;)

i think those 2 negatve affects will appear to every extrovert person*maybe*. my DP teacher said don't listen to others and the lesson i got from my case is you may share stories to other but don't let others to take part in every single decission you make! this is your life, don't let anyone control it, and fyi, the voice from our heart wouldn't be wrong! cause it's better for us to use feelings not knowledge! and try to be more selective when you can't trust or doesn't feel well w people around you for telling stories, remember! God's the one who is always there when you need someone to share!

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

reasons why ppl can't stop loving someone

okay i've got some reasons to tell why ppl couldn't stop loving their dearest one ;) some of you may be agree but some won't, okay listen opinions won't be wrong ;)

1. this person is your first love *first love and first bf/gf are different*
2. that person made you smile every time
3. that person is the first who's there when you need someone to share
4. that person is the one who takes your hand and hug you when you feel cold
5. that person is the one that you text with all the day
6. that person has been with you for a long time
7. that person is understands you the most
8. that person is the one you can laugh with but you can cry with too
9. that person is the one that acts not as him/her self for comfort you
10. that person has been your mood booster all the time
11. you think that person is worth fighting for
12. that person's willing to hurt just to make you happy *your happiness is their priority*
13. you've too much sweet memories, too much things done together
14. everything's done by that person always seems to be right *even it hurts you*
15. both of you have promised TO LOVE EACH OTHER TILL THE END OF TIME 
16. your heart always tells you 'don't worry he'll come back'

and so on, and if my heart can shout it'll shout " HEY BOY, SEE YOU'LL ALWAYS BE THE ONE, SO COME BACK SOON "


okay here immabout to start :):):) i feel lyk im really outdated ppl made their blog since long time ago and i just made mine-_- i'm just really blind about blogspot, and hope those ppl i'm asking question about blogspot to will help me with their pleasure!

okay, i'm going to tell you my story for today :) hari ini gue bangun, oke siang lagi jam 6 karena gue smalem tidur jam 1, as usual, kayaknya ga sreg aja gitu kalo tidur cepet". terus pas disekolah? pelajaran pertama gue fisika, dan hari ini TO, susaaaaaaaah! ah sebel padahal gue udah belajar -_- oke gue akuin ga maksimal! and then abis itu BI, oke sperti biasa membahas soal" yang membuat pala mumet! HAHA abis itu inggris, okey disitu gue mulai agak panas yah sama satu makhluk di kelas gue yg auch SOK KEREN, mending punya tampang eh ini aspal kali *sorry for judging ppl but i can't be patient to this creature* ohya sbnernya dia itu cowoknya temen gue, dan yah gue sedang agak menjaga jarak sama tmen gue ini dan itu juga karena yah oke i'm the one who knows the reason! dan setelah itu bio okay, lyk usual i love this subject ;);) and i had my 3rd TO for bio, and i think i did it well. WISH ME A GOOD SCORE :) oke stlah it inggris lagi dan guess what, that creature semakin menjadi' haha jadikan tmen gue itu suka di ejekin sma anak kelas gue juga, yah okay that began coz of me ;) dan guru gue ngjekin tmen gue ini sama si cowok eh tau ga ekspresinya that creature? muka sok keren d tekuk sambil mangap megang"in bibir *hopefully you won't imagine it cause i bet youll throw up* setelah itu gue mandarin yah nntn lagi kayak kmaren" eg pas pulang kita di bagi" pizza looooooh ;) oke norak! setelah itu foto yb yg buat panitia, eh ksel banget locccch masa fotonya d sekolah udah kayak apadah tau! di serenade ga dpet ijin di phg juga engga, yah allahualam dah jadinya gimana. dan setelah itu gue d rumah tidur siang, eh pas soe opung gue dateng, nah kan ngbrol' tuh then ngmngin SMA gue, dan gue dngan sangat semangat menjawab gue mau sma di 70, eh bokap gue blg di tangerang aja HELL-O DAD! and suddenly mom said that naughty kids are usually those who's smart okay she means that, walopun itu sekolah unggulan tp pergaulannya yah i-think-you-know    oke pengakuan sih sebenernya gue bbrapa hari ini mikir gue pngen cri scholarship ke spore, why? cause i really wanna leave shixz in indo and move on! move on from? okey d post yg laen akan gue ceritakan ;) hmm well i think it's enough for my first post ;)